Why does the weather keep following me? It's pouring with hail, snow and rain right now in Moab. It must be a really unlucky bugger to have it rain on him even in the desert.
Greg (GMburns200), Jeramaih (Jmezies) and I climbed a tower the other day - photos, video, and TR coming soon. Also met Jason (Niciluraburundum or whatever) and his friends at wall street. He seemed sound but sometimes it's hard to tell with those BETish lads...
I was actually just walking down the road by wall street looking for some people to climb with when I ran into him. We did the usual "how's it going, can I climb with you" but when it came to my name he was like "ah fuck. It's Jason, good to meet you". We did a route or two then I gave Ryan (a local lad that works as a chef in the sunset grill) a catch on astrolad. When he took like a 15 or 20 foot whipper I swear the rope had barely came tight when he had already grabbed the rock and was climbing again. Strong commitment. I'll try to upload some photos in the next few days if the weather is still sucky, but I'm not sure I can do it at the library.
I'm hoping to meet up with Larry (Areyoumydude) in the next few days to do some aid climbing.
I also just bought a slackline for like 20 bucks (way cheaper then I thought they were) and have been having a blast on it, though I still pretty much suck. Greg was there to witness my fantastic faceplant when my body went to one side of the line but my legs went to the other...
I was hitchhiking to get into town yesterday when a motorbike pulled up. At first I thought he was taking the piss, but when the response to my saying "I've never ridden a bike before, I don't know how" was "you're about to learn" I knew he was for serious. It was a hilarious, terrifying and painful experiance in the end (hitting a hail storm ad 60 MPH with no helmet or face mask doesn't feel all that good - I actually bled t3h bludz a little) the lasted about 6 hours. After picking up the neccasary gourmet supplies from town (ramen, oatmeal, brown sugar and chocolate chips) we went for an "adventure" down past the fisher towers. We went out to Dewey's bridge, and old busted suspension bridge, and decided to try and swing from wire to wire, but it didn't really work. Instead we hung out and thought of ways to protect a slackline attempt across the top wires, which were still in prime condition. We decided that two long slings would work, or preferably two lengths of dynamic rope. sling them both around the wire below you in two U's and walk till you hit the first hanging wire, unclip one and swing it under the wire so you can attach it and repeat with the other one. We figured it would work but I don't exactly plan on trying it out. After thaty we headed back homewards, and were about a quarter the way back when something starting hitting my face, hands and knees in an incredibly painfull fashion. I first I figured the RV infront of us had kicked up a bunch of gravel but I quickly realised it had suddenly started pouring with hail. We quickly pulled off the road, faces stinging and hands numbed, and spied an overhanging rock which we ran to and hid under for cover. There was some kind of nest at the back, which we basically just hoped wasn't a snake nest, though I don't feel shamed by the fact that I paused and let him crawl under the rock first.
We hid out there for about half an hour till the precipitation moves back towards the liquid variety then jumped back on the bike and buzzed to the nearest building, which happened to be some highly posh cabin rental place. Wanting to get warm we pretended that we were considering renting a cabin (400 bucks a night was there cheapest rate... errr, no thanks ma'am, I'd rather eat for 2 months) or eating a meal (the cheapest thing on the menu was a cup of tomato soup... 8 bucks. or I could have 16 cups of cambels...). They quickly realised were weren't quite the customers they were looking for but let us hang out and dry out. After a short span of hanging out and dreading going back into the weather, we went back into the weather. It was still raining, but at least the tempurature had dropped...
All in all I've been having a blast in Moab and plan to stay here for a while longer.