Thursday, 6 November 2008

Triangle rock club, Aceto, and what happens when you use the wrong fuel with a Jetboil.

No offense, I like it here and all, but the buses fracking suck. Seriously, public transport here is leaps and bounds behind the system in the UK.
My plan was to head over to Triangle Rock Club (it's a club, mind - not a gym) and meet some of the locals, but I had assumed that a bus would get me within walking distance. I couldn't find info on any such bus, but luckily Knieveltech (Allan) bailed me out with a quick lift into town. Allan is another great character nice enough to go out of his way to help a guy out. He has a pretty cool hairdo, too.
After a quick stop by Wendy's for some JT512 approved climbing nutrition we arrived at Triangle Rock Club where, apon entering, I met a friendly Mikesaint (Micheal) who hooked me up with a free session, shoes, harness and chalkbag (forgetfull much, Magnus?). Then I met Aceto, (Josh) who was... strange to say the least. He also refused to be photographed, saying that "the flash wasn't good for trolls" (sensitive skin or something).
I have to say it's interesting that I haven't met a single dic so far on my trip. Every single person I've met has been dead sound and humorous. Hopefully it stays that way, but I don't doubt that I'll meet some... less amiable characters along the line somewhere.
Anyways, enough rambling. Triangle Rock Club.
There was a fair number of people there (nothing compared to Alien Rock on a tuesday night, though) and everyone seemed laid back but not lazy.
I had a good time dandering about the gym and trying a few problems and routes.
Rumor has it that some of the routes there are a little sandbagged, which personally I hope is true (that one in the corner, Allan? how about that high left foot. WTF, right?) as supposedly easy climbs seemed to require some... unusual moves.
Another thing I found strange, people said it was like this in all US gyms, but using coloured tape instead of using the colour of the holds?
Very confusing, having to look at the tapes and stuff instead of just glancing at the hold.
I left this post without posting it for like ever. Now I forgetted what I was writing. Now it's going to be all cut off and stuff. A quick note about using the correct fuel with Jetboil stoves. Do it. Use the right fuel. The rong fuel iz not gud. Flames come out and brun you and stuff. Luckily I was on my GF's balcony so I could whip that thing (in all it's flaming glory) into the field behind her house so I could go hunt it down with a bucket of water. Other then a few singed hand hairs and a slightly melted mug cover thing all was well. You should have seen my GF's face when I ran into her room and said "the stove burst into flames so I threw it into the field. How do I get round the backl, and do you have a bucket?"

People I meet:
Knieveltech, Real name Allan. He was cool. If I remember clearly he said "fuck" a fair few times (reminded me of Kirkcaldy, actually...) He had a cool jeep/truck thing with what I believe was slackline stuff in it. From this I assume he slacklines. And for everyone who is wondering... no, he wasn't wearing his leopard print lycra (thank gawd!).

Aceto, real name Josh. This dude was wierd. He mainly hid under the front desk saying it was the next best thing to a bridge.

Mikesaint, real name Mike. This dude gets points for making my excusion free. He got to climb and post while getting paid. This makes me jealous. Ver', ver' jealous.


GB (admin) said...

I miss Alien Rock! =(

Haggizdonny said...

Yeah, with proper colour coordinated holds and that. I don't miss the crowds, though.